About us

Bringing to you : Cost Reduction, Quality Improvement and Profitability Enhancement.

Innopure Pte Ltd is the  exclusive distributor for the ASHGARD, the label of our manufacturer in medical and cleanroom cleaning products. We are fully supported and committed by our manufacturer. As a result, we became an integrated “Factory-to-Customer” manufacturer of healthcare sanitization and industrial wipes and products. 

From weaving the yarn into fabric and to manufacturing of the various industrial wipers, we also offer various forms of sanitization including sterilization through gamma irradiation. These products are suitable to use for “deep cleaning” where cleaning services include thorough disinfection and sanitization.

Contact us

Many thanks for giving us the opportunity to share with you how we are able to fulfill an organisation’s desire for cost rationalization through quality enhancement and integration of solutions. 

Our Objectives : Cost reduction, Quality improvement and Profitability enhancement. In short, it is CQP.

We are Innopure Pte Ltd, the executive distributor for the label of ASHGARD. We are fully supported and committed to by our manufacturer. As a result, we became an integrated “Factory-to-Customer” manufacturer of healthcare sanitation and industrial wipers and products. From weaving the yarn into fabric and to manufacturing of the various industrial wipers, we also offer various forms of sanitization including sterilization through gamma irradiation. These products are suitable to use for “deep cleaning” where cleaning services include thorough disinfection and sanitization. 

Our winning formula is: cost efficiency, customizable product, quality traceability and a steady production lead time. As such, you would achieve reduction in operational cost. 

We believe in long term partnership where we will jointly develop specific wipers and sanitization solutions for your organisation needs. 

The attachment outline our popular product range and major customers that have used our products.

We will be most delighted to answer any further clarifications as well as offer samples of our products for your verification and testing. Our commitment : Take them, and test them. We will be happy to enhance our specifications if needed.

Wish you a great day ahead.